Sex after Cesarean Delivery
When to resume Sex after Cesarean Delivery/ C-Section?
Sex is the spice of life. It reforms and rejuvenates human life to the fullest. Without the pampering of sex, conjugal life will be devoid of peace, and physical and emotional fulfillment. But there are times and factors which inhibit the placid spring of sex. The factors are sexual disorders and diseases which can be cured by proper medications. But there are certain periods when sexual activities need to hold up. Vigilance and care should be given during these times. One major period like this is the time after Cesarean delivery. When to start sex after cesarean delivery, is a great concern for many. Let’s see how it works!
Recovery from C-section
25% of pregnant women are undergoing cesarean or C-section, which involves delivery through a long incision in the abdomen, instead of it through the vagina. It’s a matter of great concern for both the mates, when to restart their sexual activities after the C-section. The main point that needs to be considered is that enough time should be given to heal the incision made on the abdomen. Everyone’s recovery time is different, so there is not a standard period to put forth for this. But in general, it’s safe to wait at least 6-8 weeks before resuming sex because women experience soreness, vaginal bleeding, and fatigue following birth.
Pain in Vaginal Sex after Cesarean Delivery/ C-Section
The soreness and swelling around the incision site make the skin feel tight or stretched. As it heals, it may be prone to tearing, which demands avoiding arduous activities including sex. Not only the vagina feels wider, swollen, or bruised, the cervix also needs time to heal and return to its original size.
Moreover, a C-section underwent woman, may have infections and other complications, whose signs are high fever, severe pain, vaginal bleeding, large clots, bleeding from the incision, discharge from the incision, pain when peeing, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, pain in the lower legs, anxiety, depression and flu-like symptoms.
Wait till 6-8 weeks for Sex after Cesarean Delivery/ C-Section
The couples should keep in mind that sex is a pleasurable activity, instead, it will induce pain and sorrow if they engage it just after the C-section. During the time just after 4-5 weeks, some couples might engross in foreplay, but it is safe to engage in vaginal sex only after 8 weeks because vigorous actions during this time could irritate or reopen the incision.
The 6-week mark is usually safe for women who had vaginal deliveries or cesarean deliveries. A great concern is that it’s possible to get pregnant immediately after giving birth, which can be dangerous if the female partner has a C-section.
Women need rest after delivery, so don’t try to overexert. It’s good to take some time for your muscles to regain strength by doing light pelvic floor strengthening exercises. After 6 to 8 weeks, while resuming sex, if the female feels any sort of pain, it is advised to consult a doctor at the earliest.
Treatment for Sexual Disorders and Diseases
If you are facing any sexual disorders or sexual diseases, please call (91) 8848511462 for an appointment. We are available offline and online, around the world.
Locate us at Kochi, Kottayam, Thrissur, Alappuzha, Angamaly, Kerala, India, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UK, Muscat, Bahrain, and Oman.