Vaginal Dryness Causes and Treatments
What is Vaginal Dryness?
Sex is the sweetest conjugal activity, a male and female can indulge in. For the pleasurable enactment of sex, a healthy body and mind are necessary. Of which sex demands healthy sex organs and of course overall health. In females, vaginal health is very much important in engrossing in sexual activities. On the go, you understand that vaginal health is very much necessary, not only for sexual health but health, in general. Many women may experience vaginal dryness at some point during their lives. Decrease in hormone levels, breastfeeding, certain medications, etc. are the common reasons. It’s usually connected to menopause. Let’s discuss more on Vaginal Dryness Causes and Treatments.
We all know a thin layer of moisture coats the walls of the vagina. This moisture provides an alkaline environment which helps the sperm free travel for sexual reproduction. These secretions in the vagina lubricate the vaginal wall, which helps to reduce friction and uneasiness during sexual intercourse. As
the woman gets aged, the vaginal wall becomes thinner, due to the changes in hormone production. The thin wall will have only fewer cells to secrete and provide moisture, which ultimately happens vaginal dryness. As a woman ages, changes in hormone production can cause the vaginal walls to thin.
What are the effects of vaginal dryness?
- Discomfort and uneasiness in vaginal and pelvic regions
- Burning
- Loss of interest in sex
- Light bleeding and pain after sexual intercourse
- Soreness
- Reoccurring urinary tract infection
- Itching in vagina
What are the possible causes of vaginal dryness?
As we have already said, aging is the main factor causing vaginal dryness. To explain it, due to aging, estrogen levels fall, which ultimately results in loss of moisture in the vagina. Estrogen level falls due to aging culminate at the end of menstruation during a time called perimenopause.
Apart from menopause, certain conditions or factors will contribute to the decrease in estrogen production. They are:
- Breastfeeding
- Depression
- Smoking
- Immune system disorders like Sjogren syndrome
- Childbirth
- Heavy workouts
- Cancer treatments like radiation to the pelvis, and chemotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Removal of ovaries
- Some medications
- Apart from all these douching can also cause dryness and Irritation. Also, some creams and lotions applied to the vaginal area.
Seeking medical help for Vaginal Dryness Causes and Treatments
Vaginal dryness usually does not pose a serious problem. But it is advised to seek medical advice for Vaginal Dryness Causes and Treatments, if the discomfort persists and is experienced during sexual intercourse. If left untreated, vaginal dryness can cause sores or crack in the vagina’s tissues. If the vaginal dryness is accompanied by severe vaginal bleeding, seek urgent medical attention.
The doctor may examine the vaginal walls in detail, regarding the thinning and take a sample of vaginal discharge, to test for the presence of harmful bacteria.
During a diagnosis by your doctor, he/ she may examine the vaginal walls to look for lacerations or feel for thinning skin. Hormone tests done by the doctor can reveal, whether the patient is in Pre-menopause or menopause stage.
How is vaginal dryness treated?
In most systems of medicine, usage of lubricants, rings, or estrogen therapy is prescribed. But it is found that they all have no far-reaching and effective results. Here is the importance and relevance of the Ayurveda-Unani stream of medicine and its herbal treatment.
Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, the greatest exponents of Unani medicinal know-how can be fully relied on. We are serving for the past 6 decades with the mission of wiping out sexual disorders and treatment of vaginal dryness and hormone issues in women. We acquired this archaic knowledge from our ancestry and amalgamated it with futuristic knowledge, aided by the state-of-the-art infrastructure and stewarded by Dr. Althaf Ibrahem Rana, an academically brilliant sexologist and assisted by a team of highly experienced doctors.
We had set up technically superb clinics in and out of India. Vaginal dryness patients are diagnosed in detail to find out the root cause and treated completely by the administration of 100% herbal medicines with zero side effects, which will reclaim the lost moisture of vaginal walls, naturally. Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, who is the expert in treating low libido in Women and men, erased the sorrows of thousands of women, distressed with vaginal dryness. So, push into any of the clinics of Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall or log in for an online consultation.