Head Hijama Treatment in Kochi
How is Head Hijama Treatment in Kochi beneficial to you?
Hijama or Cupping therapy is a very ancient form of treatment, performed way back from 1500 BC. This was practiced in Egypt, Greece, China, and the Middle East. The physician cups on pivotal parts of the human body create a vacuum and suck out toxic blood which causes several diseases. This Cupping therapy treatment got vehement support due to its mentioning in the Holy Scriptures and Prophet Mohammed himself stated its importance in treating diseases. Actually, in Arabia, the name Hijama was created. With this treatment, men and women can get rid of arthritis, neck pain, back pain, knee pain, asthma, Gastrointestinal diseases, Headaches, Migraines, High Blood pressure, infertility, etc. Hairfall, dandruff, Alopecia, thinning hair… hair problems are endless and the pain it gives is boundless. Head Hijama Treatment in Kochi can help you to get rid of these issues.
Benefits of Head Hijama Treatment in Kochi
Head Hijama is found to be the best remedy for solving many problems related to your hair. It can arrest your hair fall, support the growth of new hair, prevent existing hairs from further damage and falls, and also make your hair roots stronger. Apart from these, hijama is a good solution for migraine, and headaches, enhances mental clarity and also improves your eyesight.
Hijama or Cupping Therapy in Kochi
Hijama can help detox your body, prevent illness improve blood circulation, and much more…
Get a pre-booking for your Head Hijama session, done most professionally and hygienically by our well-experienced Dr Althaf Ibrahem Rana. Get those toxins out of your body and feel Rejuvenated!!!.. Read More about wet hijama
How to consult our doctor for a Head Hijama Treatment in Kochi?
CALL NOW @ (91) 8848511462 to book an appointment.
He will diagnose and prescribe the perfect Hijama treatment for your issues.
Please note: Prior appointment is mandatory.