Intimacy in a relationship
The path of Intimacy in a relationship… Are you there?
A Healthy Satisfied Physical relationship between partners strengthens the love, companionship, and Intimacy in a relationship even more. But in many cases, not to mention, unsatisfied physical relationship affects the affection, intimacy, and closeness of partners. If unattended and ignored, of course, small problems between the partners grow beyond repair.
Intimacy is the key to a successful marital life and a happy physical life makes it beautiful and joyful. But is your intimacy growing or dying??..
What is the reason for this?
Lack of communication between the partners is the main reason here. Partners communicate about all subjects under the sky except physical life. The most important fertilizer of their relationship is unfortunately ignored here. Communication is the key..talk, talk, and talk…let that be your mantra…
What to blame?
‘Lack of understanding’ is to blame. Try to understand the need of your partner, what makes them happy and aroused, understanding your partner is your right and duty..it brings beauty to your life.
Is there any way out?
Your Way out of this is by building companionship with your partner. Love your partner with all your heart, then they will value your company above all the other things in this world.
How can one avoid such situations?
Compatibility of partners helps to avoid this. Include more and more foreplays, do what they like selflessly, ask about their likings, discuss what and how you like, make it lively and interesting, try new things, be innovative and creative in sex, and yes!!.. which is the thumb rule.
What can be the ultimate solution to increase Intimacy in a relationship
Lack of Intimacy destroys the relationship… Sometimes beyond recall !!..
Call in for a meet-up with our sexologist to find ways to rebuild your intimacy… Because some things in life cannot be postponed!!!..
The doctor is available for an online consultation through Skype, WhatsApp