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Myths about Premature Ejaculation

Top 5 Myths about Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction which can be described as the early ejaculation, during sexual intercourse, that is way before his real orgasm or sexual fulfilment. Actually this is a bogus orgasm. At that time the female partner is far away from sexual satisfaction.  However, despite its prevalence, there are still many myths and misconceptions about the condition that can cause shame, embarrassment, and misunderstandings. In this post, we will explore and debunk the top 5 myths about Premature Ejaculation.

Myth #1: Premature Ejaculation is always caused by a physical problem

While physical factors such as hormone imbalances, nerve damage, prostate issues, chronic illnesses, surgery-related problems can contribute to Premature Ejaculation in some cases, in many cases , PE can be caused by psychological factors like  anxiety, stress, depression, and relationship problems . Therefore, it’s important to consider both physical and psychological factors when seeking treatment for PE.

Read more: 5 Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation

Myth #2: Premature Ejaculation is a sign of weakness or lack of control

Many men are under false notion that  premature ejaculation reflects a lack of sexual skill or control. However, the truth is that Premature Ejaculation is a medical condition that can affect men of all ages and sexual orientations. It does not reflect a person’s masculinity or sexual prowess, and seeking treatment for PE is a sign of strength and self-care.


Myth #3: Premature Ejaculation is impossible to treat

Even though, Premature Ejaculation is a frustrating condition, the truth is that it can often be effectively treated with a combination of therapies and self remedies such as the squeeze technique or stop-start method which delay ejaculation, while herbal medications stated in the Unani stream of medicine medications are super effective. Additionally, counseling or therapy can help to address underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to the problem.

Read more: What is the Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation?

Myth #4: Premature Ejaculation is always the man’s fault

It’s important to recognize that Premature Ejaculation is a complex condition that can involve both partners. In some cases, relationship issues or sexual performance anxiety on the part of the partner may be contributing to the problem. Therefore, both partners need to be supportive and involved in seeking treatment for PE.

Read more: Reignite the lost Passion and intimacy in your love life.

Myth #5: PE is only a problem for younger men

While Premature Ejaculation is more common in younger men, it can affect men of all ages. Additionally, age-related changes such as decreased testosterone levels or other medical conditions can also contribute to the problem. Therefore, men of all ages need to be aware of the potential risk factors for PE and seek treatment if necessary.

In conclusion, Premature Ejaculation is a common and treatable condition that can cause significant distress and misunderstanding. By debunking common myths about Premature Ejaculation and educating ourselves about the true nature of the condition, we can promote greater awareness, acceptance, and support for those who may be struggling with this issue. If you are experiencing Premature Ejaculation, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare provider or sexual health specialist for guidance and treatment options.

Read more: The path of intimacy… Are you there??

Best Treatment @ Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall

In seeking such healthcare assistance, people suffering from Premature Ejaculation can blindly opt for the services of Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, a highly distinguished Unani medical hub which treats all sexual disorders for the past 6 decades. Hailing from the ancestral background of great medical practitioners of royal courts, Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, headed by Dr. Althaf Ibrahem Rana blended the inherited knowledge of sexual medicine with the acquired University wisdom and with the support of highly skilled sexologists and aided by state of the art infrastructure, cleared off premature ejaculation from the lives of several people permanently. After a detailed diagnosis, he will be administered customized 100% herbal medicines with zero side effects which will pluck out the pivotal reason behind each case of premature ejaculation. Moreover, the sexologists, who were adept in psychological therapy will conduct sessions to wipe out the mental blockages promoting Premature Ejaculation. Thus, high sexual rejuvenation is reinstated, free from Premature Ejaculation.

Read more: Best Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

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FAQs about Sperm and Male Fertility

All You Need to Know About Sperm and Male Fertility

FAQs about Sperm and Male Fertility: Understand the truth behind the common myths and fiction about sperm and male infertility.

What is sperm and what is its role in reproduction?

The male reproductive cell produced in the testes is what we termed testes. It enables the female egg to fertilize while engaging in sexual cohabitation, which can result in pregnancy.

How is sperm produced and how long does it take to mature?

Spermatogenesis is the process that produces sperms occurring in the testes. A span of 64-72 days is needed for the sperm to mature and get ready for ejaculation.

What factors can affect sperm quality and quantity?

A variety of factors have a severe impact on sperm quality and quantity. They are age, diet, exercise, environmental toxins, stress, anxiety, some medical conditions, etc.

How does age affect male fertility and sperm quality?

Male fertility usually declines with the advancing of age. This in turn causes a reduced ability to fertilize an egg.

What are the common causes of male infertility and what are the available treatment options?

Hormone imbalances, low sperm count, genetic factors, abnormal sperm motility, etc. are the strong causes of male infertility. The treatment options usually initiated are lifestyle changes, medication, surgery and hormone-assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization.

Can lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, impact sperm quality?

Definitely, maintaining a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and regular exercise can have a positive impact on sperm quality and quantity.

What are some natural ways to improve sperm health?

The most natural and non clinical ways to improve sperm health are maintaining a healthy body mass index, eating a balanced diet, regular workouts, avoiding smoking and excessively alcohol consumption, stress reduction and getting enough sleep.

Can stress and anxiety affect sperm count and quality?

Yes very much. A negative impact can result in sperm count from high levels of stress and anxiety.

What are the common misconceptions about sperm and male fertility?

The general misconceptions regarding sperm and male infertility are that males are always fertile, fertility is reduced by frequent ejaculation, tight undergarments reduce fertility, etc.

How do environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or radiation, affect sperm health?

Sperm DNA is affected by environmental factors such as exposure to toxins and radiation, which eventually lead to poor sperm quality and fertility problems.

What is sperm banking and who can benefit from it?

Sperm banking is an innovative idea for storing sperm for future use. It benefits males who are undergoing medical treatments that can affect their fertility or who are planning to have a vasectomy.

Can sperm be used for medical research and what are the ethical considerations?

Any type of medical research can be attempted on sperm, but one should ensure that the research is performed in the utmost responsible and respectful manner.

How do cultural and social factors impact the perception of male fertility and sperm health?

Beliefs regarding masculinity, fertility, and the role of men in reproduction that can be considered cultural and social factors can impact male infertility and sperm health perceptions.

If you have any doubts about the quality, quantity, or more FAQs about Sperm and Male Fertility, feel free to consult our Sexologist.

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When Should a Male or a Female visit a Sexologist?

Are you Shy to Consult a Sexologist Doctor Near Me?

Conjugal life is bliss. Nature created males and females to be mated in the most pleasurable circumstances. But, the same nature plays dreaded games in the lives of the spouses or partners or mates in the forms of various happenings related to physical and mental bonding. Physical and mental bonding are interrelated in their lives. There is no independent existence for each one from a spousal point of view. If a crack occurs anywhere in the physical or mental tenacity of the partners, gloom overshadows and life becomes miserable. The only solution is to search and ‘consult a sexologist near me’ or go for an online consultation with a sexologist.

Various factors from behavioral patterns and physical dilemmas in the relationship between males and females form the crux of sorrow and depression. Open talks and domestic remedies can be the first aid to overcome this misery. But if they get intensified, the only option is to avail the service of a qualified sexologist cum psychological therapist.

What are the grim situations or signals to consult such a sexologist?

Low libido

Low libido or low sexual fervor is the most common and alarming situation in nuptial life. Males and females can succumb to this state, but the reasons may be varied.

Physical reasons like

Erectile Dysfunction

Premature Ejaculation

Penile Issues and

psychological reasons like performance anxiety, stress, tension, and lifestyle issues, all can be possible factors affecting low libido in males.

Vaginal Dryness, chronic diseases, surgery-related problems, obesity, and the same stress, tension, and anxiety can be cited as the reasons affecting Low Libido in Females.

Sex obsession

If you are over-obsessed with sex, that is, if you are fantasizing about sex in an unreal plane, it induces a psychological impact in the execution of sex and it becomes miserable and you will fail in it.

Guilt feelings

This is another psychological paraphernalia resulting from past unpleasant sexual encounters, child abuse, religious taboos, etc. Present conjugal relationships get broken due to these. 

Difference in sexual aptitude between partners

Both partners need not have the same sexual drive. This difference can be sorted out by mutual discussion. Understanding and love can change this difference. Still, it doesn’t work, clinical therapy is needed.

Know More: Best Time to Have Sex

Inability to reach orgasm and vaginal dryness

Some women do not reach orgasm, even if they undergo long-term intercourse. This can occur due to clinical and psychological reasons. Some males are also prone to this. For them, it is the opposite of Premature Ejaculation. Vaginal dryness in women can occur due to chronic diseases, hormone changes, menopause-related problems, obesity, lifestyle issues, etc.

Know More about Female Orgasm!!

Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall: Specialized Ayurvedic Sexologist Near you

Most of these factors come to a common juncture called low sexual activity and its reasons, physical and psychological. These must be rectified with the help of a qualified sexologist. Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall is a renowned and much sought-after sexual clinic, rooted in the deep foundation of the Unani stream of medicine, having an experience of six decades.

We hire this knowledge from the scholastic wisdom of our forefathers, who were great medical practitioners in royal courts. This perennial knowledge is clubbed with state-of-the-art infrastructure under the able leadership of the academically brilliant sexologist, Dr. Althaf Ibrahem Rana and supported by a bunch of qualified sexologists.

All sexual disorders are diagnosed and 100% customized herbal medicines with zero side effects will be administered, which will pluck out them. Psychological issues are rooted out by Dr. Althaf and his team, by in-depth psychological therapy, in which they are highly proficient. They will conduct sessions to wipe out all psychological blockades impeding sexual drive. Thus, you will be freed from all sorts of sexual issues forever and come back to a rejuvenated conjugal life. So, if you are sexually distressed, please visit any of Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall clinics or log in for an online consultation.

CALL NOW @ (91) 8848511462 and talk directly about your sexual problems.

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What is Testosterone and why is it Important?

What is Testosterone?

Humans are blessed with testosterone which can be considered the primary sex hormone, especially in human males. Testosterone defines and regulates the sexual graph of human beings. Male testicles make testosterone while female ovaries also produce it but in a lesser amount. The production of testosterone starts to increase significantly during puberty and begins to dip after age 30 or so. Testosterone affects bone and muscle mass, red blood cell production, storing of fat in the body, mood swings, etc. But the importance of Testosterone in male and female is linked with sexual drive and sperm production.

Low Testosterone symptoms in Male

Testosterone is most often associated with sex drive and plays a vital role in sperm production. It also affects bone and muscle mass, the way men store fat in the body, and even red blood cell production. If a male possesses low testosterone levels, he may experience the following symptoms.

  1. Low sex drive or Low Libido
  2. Becoming obese
  3. Mood swings
  4. Energy drop
  5. Depression
  6. Hair loss
  7. Thinning of bones
  8. Low self respect etc.

Low Testosterone symptoms in Female

On the other hand, if a female succumbs to low testosterone levels, she may exhibit the following symptoms:

  1. low libido or descending sexual fervor
  2. depression
  3. Failure to concentrate
  4. Reduced bone strength

Causes of Low Testosterone in Male

Ageing is a common cause for both males and females in the tapering of testosterone levels, there are some particular, separate and concrete reasons for both.
The causes of low testosterone levels in men can be caused by:

  1. Chronic diseases like kidney disease and liver cirrhosis
  2. Injuries to testicles
  3. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy
  4. Alcoholism
  5. Aids

Causes of Low Testosterone in Male

The reasons behind low testosterone levels in females are

  1. Diseases causing to adrenal
  2. Hypothalamus or pituitary glands.
  3. Removal of ovaries

The testosterone levels of an adult male usually range between 280 and 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) for, and between 15 and 70 ng/dL for adult females.

Impacts of high Testosterone

Like low testosterone levels, the Importance of Testosterone in male and female at higher levels also have serious implications for health. High testosterone levels in boys tend puberty to begin earlier and in females develop masculine features. It can also develop Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in both males and females. Adrenal gland disorder or cancer of the testes can be possible reasons for high testosterone levels.

Abnormally low or high levels can affect a man’s mental and physical health.

Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall: The best Sexual Clinic in Kerala

Testosterone replacement therapy and Artificial testosterone oral injections are the usual treatments given to improve testosterone levels, but some may experience serious side effects. But Unani stream of medicine delivers a holistic treatment with the administration of 100 % natural herbal medicines with zero side effects. Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, the stalwart Unani medical clinic which holds a stupendous sexual treatment legacy can be depended on for this. We combine archaic medical knowledge with the newest infrastructure and deliver the perfect medicine to regain your libido and rejuvenate your sexual life.

Apart from this, Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, stewarded by Dr. Althaf Ibrahem Rana, the renowned sexologist, gives perfect treatment to emancipate Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Penile Issues for men, Low Libido, Vaginal dryness, etc. for women and Sexually Transmitted Diseases for both men and women. If you are worried and tampered with testosterone problems, low libido, and sexual disorders, please feel free to drop in at any of our clinics or log in for an online consultation.

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Best Time to Have Sex

When is the Best Time to have Sex?

Sex is the glowing spirit of life. It creates the best toning in spousal life and bestows them with physical and emotional bonding. It alleviates the stress and blooms a lusty life force within. Partners can engage in sexual activities at any time of the day. Usually, couples try their sexual activities at night. But experts believe that early morning sex is the best. They substantiate this with the advantages morning sex endows the partners. Best Time to Have Sex

Benefits of Morning Sex

The morning time is the Best Time to have Sex and the fittest time for sexual interaction because during this time estrogen and testosterone levels are at their peak. These high levels improve your libido and hearty sexual activity emerges. After that, your mood will be lifted and you will be energetic with the orgasm and will be fit to undergo your routine work for the day.

Pleasurable activities can relieve you from stress. Morning sex is the best medicine to reduce your stress hormone levels. A perfect morning orgasm relieves you and equips you to enter into your heavy jobs calmly.

Morning sex produces oxytocin or cuddles hormones which can bring the partners into a love circle. Oxytocin is a chemical in the brain that controls love and bondage. During sex, it is released which brings the partners into a close-knit connection.

Endorphins are released during morning sex, which is pain-relieving chemical. The orgasm from morning sex thus relieves our body from all sorts of pain and boosts our mood to continue the day with our hectic work.

Indulging in morning sex releases neurotransmitters and hormones, especially dopamine that will improve brain and nerve health and cognition.

Morning sex is like a morning workout which can burn 5 calories per minute. Spending 15 minutes of intercourse can burn up to 75 calories, which can induce your body with power, which can be used for the rest of the day.

Sexual activity in the morning can enhance your body’s immunity system and its working, thereby opening your natural defense mechanisms against bacteria, viruses, germs, etc. So, regular morning sex helps you to stay away from diseases.

The release of endorphins, oxytocin, neuro transmitters, and other anti-inflammatory molecules makes you look younger and stays your skin fresh and youthful.

All these state the advantages and benefits of morning sex. By beautifully coordinating morning sex with your partner, you can set a new lease on life marinated with love and lust.

Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, The Complete Sexual Health Clinic

But if you feel any inhibition in sexual activities or low libido, avail the services of a qualified sexologist clinic like Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, serving for the last six decades and eradicating all types of sexual disorders like Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Penile Issues for men. Vaginal dryness and Low Libido in women and Sexually Transmitted Diseases for men and women with the perfect blending of archaic Unani knowledge with the state-of-the-art infrastructure.

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